It was it difficult to get online with a html maker but I finally made it and have someplace to visit thats all mine.
Right now I am only consumed with learning about webpage design and may even take this up as a career if I can get the hang of it. There are so many places online to visit, one can get lost really easy if they try.
Finding places to helpout online have been great and I really appreciate people who take the effort out of thier day to help out newbies like me.
It is incredibly rich with information about building sites from scratch,
which I have yet to do but gives me encouragement to continue.
Before getting online finding an ISP was a little more difficult as they
all have so much to offer, half of which I have no idea what they are
talking about. One place I visited does something called server monitoring. Suddenly after never having a server to monitor in my whole life I wanted one. I felt like I have really missed out joining in on this internet excitement. Madly, I have been looking up ISP's and finding out about web server packages and reading terms like MYSQL that one makes my tummy kinda go funny for a while.
Anyone you know that has been avoiding getting online please encourage them, teach them or help them get here so they to can feel like there is a whole world of computers and computer gadgets we all can try (many for free). If we all had servers that needed monitoring just think how important we would instantly feel.
I am too new to this to pay for traceroute services or PHP's but I will start up as soon as I have a handle on this web site.
At this point my pages are pretty lame and only a place to learn how to upload and download from my ftp server. Another neat thing I didn't have a month ago.